In Mars and Sex, renowned astrologer and author Trish MacGregor will help even the most sexually reticent awaken their capacity for intimacy and love. What turns you on? What are you looking for in a partner? Great sex or great romance or a combination of the two? Each of us has a sexual blueprint that describes our strengths and insecurities, our emotional investment in sex, whether we tend toward monogamy or variety, possessiveness or detachment, and what we're looking for in a partner.
In Mars and Sex, Trish MacGregor guides you in exploring your sexuality according to the potential promised in the combined energies of your sun sign and the sign that Mars was in when you were born. As Freud said, "Sex is everything...who we are in bed is who we are in life." But even Freud would be astonished at how our sexual blueprint plays out in daily life. Our sexuality manifests itself in our hobbies, creative interests, politics, and our worldview. It influences the products we buy, the movies we see, the books we read. It lies at the heart of who we are as individuals and as a culture. And yet most of us are clueless about those deeper forces inside ourselves. We stumble around in the dark, hoping that we will find the right sexual or romantic partner or some combination of the two, but all too often we make the wrong choices.
The secret of sexual and romantic compatibility lies in the 144 combinations of the Sun and Mars—your sexual blueprint. Once you understand it, fulfillment in the bedroom—and in life—is just a heartbeat away.