Wars as we are going to put laws that effectively ban global wars forever.
Weapons; we are going to ban weapons, manufacturing, trading and possession globally.
Fossil fuels; we believe the past wars were waged for oil resources as there were global-affordability issues. Innocent women and children have died needlessly due to oil resources and we are going to put an end to that and ban oil and make it mandatory and encourage other alternate clean, ,cheaper and affordable energy sources like electricity. All vehicles and machinery using fossils, to be banned by a certain date and phased out.
Needlessly killing of women and children banned through new laws. Brand new laws to ban and make it illegal and a crime to kill the innocent and defenseless. New laws to protect soldiers and the military personnel as well.
Laws banning sanctions globally. Sanctions and terrorists’ acts are one and the same thing you can’t ban one and allow the other as the methods and aims are the same. So, sanctions are banned globally with immediate effect.
The only way to deal with global issues is to put a Five-Year Continuous Money Printing Plan that will see increases in global wealth. Printing new fresh money is the only solution to all global issues and we have a system that works that will deal with all issues of hyperinflation etc. This is the only method that works but it’s not just a matter of printing new money we have a comprehensive system that will tackle all other issue regarding the printing of new fresh money, corruption, mismanagement, hyperinflation etc. Only our system provides concrete solutions. We mean business. Imagine a world where every nation has enough money to buy any resources at market prices.
A World Without Weapons.
A World Without Wars.
A World Without Sanctions.
A World Without Deaths of Women and Children Through Wars, Sanctions and Poverty.
A World Where We Are Networking and Cooperating.
A World Where There Are No Boundaries.
A World That Is Very Competitive and Productive.
A World Without Polluting Fossil Fuels or High Noise Vehicles.
A Clean World.
A New World Order.
A Completely New System
One That Works and Solves Issues Like Global and National Debt.
A New Beginning. A New World. A New Challenge.
I am Ready. Are You Ready?
Change Is Imminent and Inevitable!
Your Future Your Say!
A Huge Investment For You Too. Buy Our Currency. A Global Currency! A Great Investment!
David Gomadza is the Founder and President of Tomorrow's World Order [TWO].
I personally welcome you all to this new chapter in mankind’s history and to a period of enlightenment in new thinking and different ways never tested before of doing things but nevertheless a journey we must undertake as a people to reach our intended destination. I personally believe humanity has failed. Full stop! Humanity has opted for the cheaper inferior quick ways of doing things yet the most destructive ones relying on outdated stupid ways of going about every aspect of life. Humanity has opted for weapons as a solution to everything. Yes, make cheaper weapons and use these to get the most expensive things unfairly and below market price. I am a businessman as well I understand the rationale behind this approach; make cheaper items and use these to get all the expensive ones. Makes sense. But that makes sense if this is the only option. I understand your underlying rationale, as well as, should I say your methods of dealing with the economy, the financial aspects, the environmental or even the political methods which are outdated and honestly not fit for the purpose. Mankind has failed to think out of the box. He has opted for the quick, easy methods which are short-sighted therefore just concerned with solving short-term issues. But what if there is a clever even better way of doing things with the only drawback being that it requires bold guts and superior thinking and relies on the foresightedness of the decision maker? Yes, there is a solution to all global problems. The only method to take humanity to the next level. A perfect method that sees everyone better off. A method that takes humanity to levels of development and wealth never witnessed before. The only way it was intended but also one that requires brave minds and bold guts because this means changing what we have been doing for the past 2000 years. They say hard habits die hard. Your leaders in the past have opted to silence the bold and the brave rather than change their ways. But now they have no option. Time is never on their side anymore. For the past seventy years we have seen them try all the tactics to eliminate today’s problems, but I tell you this; the problems and issues then are still the issues now. The current system has crashed. Mankind had chance after chance to change and take the right road out of the defensive stages to Networking and Cooperation the way it is intended but there was no overseer or leader bold enough to show them how and which path to follow. Wars were signals to mankind for him to change. Okay your leaders tried to change soon after the World Wars and opted for peace but after the memories of the war-traumas had vanished so as the need to advance ahead and change for good. A global leader was lacking. One unbiased and not representing any nation, institution or cult. One to put down a platform and laws that will make the transition easy. Soon after the wars in most cases two years after witnessing the traumas of the war the mind seemed to have forgotten and soon mankind was at it again; killing women and children using weapons and wars to get whatever he needed. Killing millions of the innocent and defenseless to ‘control others for peace purposes, to lower prices of expensive resources like oil, etc. But I ask you this. What peace? Whose peace? Do you honestly believe that the innocent women and children who died and are still dying because of wars, sanctions, invasions, etc. don’t want peace too? I don’t bloody care what justifications they give for all this. To all mankind, peace starts with these. The women and children who are the most precious group of any society but who are sadly viewed as easy targets to be used as baits through sanctions and so on to drive political agendas, etc. I say we must put an end to all this. I understand in the past mankind had no lasting solutions for all global problems. To some degree this was his downfall, but we are saying we have come up with a solution. There is a way to solve all global problems. Ignorance can never suffice, nor can it ever be relied upon. We have shown the way in this book and as such with immediate effect we have drawn a line and written our laws that everyone must obey. These laws are common; currently known as the Jus Cogens that no one can claim not to know. Everyone knows that it’s wrong to kill the innocent, defenseless people of any society yet the most valuable of any society through whatever means; sanctions, invasions, poverty, etc. So, as such we have banned all things giving your leaders ‘rights to murder’ these precious people of any society. Things are never going to be the same again. We anticipated resistance and have introduced new ways of dealing with evil. Trust me, there is no way out. Our laws will sink them down. Our system is fair and just. It’s universal and I guarantee you today that we already have global appeal. What we stand for is what everyone; the young, old, rich, poor, no matter of what background, racial standing or sexual orientation wishes for and wants. What we stand for is everyone’s dream. We stand for all humanity and will provide solutions to help every nation on earth witness riches and levels of wealth never seen before.
Our plans are bold and genuine and will solve all global problems. It’s a tough road but I guarantee you wealth never witnessed before, happiness and a peace of mind. I am ready. Are you ready to change the world for the better? What’s not to like about banning wars through effective war-banning-laws? Banning weapons forever. Banning sanctions. Banning reliance on fossil fuels the main trigger of all wars and needlessly deaths of women and children. After all it’s just a fossil fuel; once it’s gone, it’s gone what is not to like to start now planning the future through searching of alternate reliable, clean energy sources while saving lives of people who would otherwise end up dead due to invasions meant to beat the oil queues. Above all at the same time fighting climate change. All current vehicles relying on oil and other fossil fuels, to be banned by a certain date. Imagine the military instead of killing they will be creating. Instead of destroying they will be building. Do you know that it is a crime for our best boys and girls [in soldiers] to die needlessly? Gone are the days when your leaders reduce the government’s bill through sacrificing thousands and wiping off thousand names off the soldier-salary-list; sending them out there unequipped well and facing never seen before threats in roadside bombs etc. without proper informational-intelligence. Everyone must be accountable and should recognize and obey our laws. Life shall be valued and the right to life shall mean that in every sense of the phrase. Trust me after reading this book you will know that I mean business. This is a global movement and you MUST be part of this New World Order.
Ladies and gentlemen; join us and be part of Tomorrow’s World Order [TWO]. Change is imminent and inevitable. Be on the winning side. It’s a win-win situation. But first you MUST read this book and understand what we stand for and our methods. Let’s make today a better tomorrow for everyone even if not for us let it be for our children.
Thank You.
I am the Founder and President of Tomorrow’s World Order. A global movement not biased or linked to any nation nor cult for that matter. A movement to solve all global issues through new laws, new methods and leading the way. We are Sovereign in our own right and have our own currency that will revolutionize life as we know it. An investment for you as well as you can buy our global currency that will act as the New Single Reserve Global Currency also while tackling global issues, a win-win situation. Are you ready?
Tomorrow’s World Order.
Your Future Your Say. Building a Better Today.
Mr. David Gomadza
Signed 08/07/2019
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