This work by Burroughs will help the Christian discern some of the sparks of Christ’s wonder in his various offices and works. Jesus is truly wonderful. From Isaiah 9:6 he will cover that Christ is the great wonder of the world. That Christ is wonderful in his offices of Prophet, Priest and King. That Christ is wonderful in his miracles. That Christ is wonderful in his death, resurrection, ascension and present intercession. That Christ is wonderful in the glory of the Father (in two parts) and then concludes with an application.
This work is a great encouragement to have our eyes set on the wonders of Christ, and to contemplate daily the person and work of Christ, as God has given us his word to discern him and see him as wonderful.
Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646), was a brilliant Reformed preacher of the Gospel, and an astute theologian. He ministered with pastoral sensitivity and a zealous desire to glorify God in his preaching and writing.
C. Matthew McMahon, Ph.D., Th.D., is a Reformed theologian, and pastor of Grace Chapel in Crossville, TN. He is the founder and chairman of A Puritan's Mind, the largest Reformed website on the internet for students of the Bible concerning Reformed Theology, the Puritans and Covenant Theology. He is the founder of Puritan Publications which publishes rare Reformed and Puritan works from the 17th century, specializing in the Westminster Assembly. He is also a managing partner at, and the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics.