Gloria "Glory" McArdle plays Vixen the Slayer in a straight-to-syndication TV show where even the fans say the villain is the better actress. The wizards of Erchanen have been searching all the worlds to find a hero, and Vixen the Slayer is the last name on their list.
The Warmother, imprisoned a thousand years before by Ginnas the Warkiller, has broken free of her ancient chains. If a hero can't be found somewhere in all the universes to fight for them, the people of Erchanen are toast. But is it Glory they're looking for... or Vixen
It all seemed to be a perfectly straightforward misunderstanding when Belegir was explaining it in Glory's dressing room. The reality¾if you could call it that¾isn't just fighting for her life. Faced with a challenge like that, what can a girl do but pick up her magic sword and her stuffed elephant and give her trademark battle cry:
"Hi-yi-yi-yi! Come, Camrado! Evil wakes!"
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Praise for Beyond World's End by Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill:
". . . vivid . . . this novel's.accessible blend of the urban and the whimsical wilt appeal to those who wonder whether the phantasmagoric walk city streets." ¾Publishers Weekly
". . . fast-paced urban fantasy that resonates with the pulse of the modern world while remaining true to ancient legends." ¾Library Journal.
".'. . a dark tale seething with diabolical humans and evil schemes ... readers will welcome [Beyond World's End}." ¾Romantic Titties
Science Fiction & Fantasy