The Tracker's Dawn

Mate Tracker Kniha 5 · Ingrid Seymour
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The epic conclusion to the Mate Tracker series.

My best friend is missing and I will bring death to the one who took her.

My compass is gone. Nothing holds meaning anymore, and nothing will—not until I bring my best friend back home. It is all I want to do, but there is so much more going on.

A sadistic Midnight Witch has a secret vendetta against one of the most powerful Skews in St. Louis. She is mass-producing monsters and sending them all over the city to sow chaos. As if that wasn’t enough to keep her busy, she develops a new vendetta against me after I ruin her plans.

The witch with a “b” is totally insane and vows to kill everyone I love as payment for my interference. She makes good on her promise by going after my family and even my livelihood.

But when she goes after the man I love, things reach a different level of messed up. Her magic is powerful, but so are my new skills and I will take her down, even if I go down with her.

If you enjoy K.F. Breene, Shannon Mayer, Annette Marie, and CN Crawford then step into a conspiracy where you don’t know whom to trust.

O autorovi

Ingrid Seymour is a USA Today bestselling author of over fifty novels. She writes young adult and new adult fiction in a variety of genres, including fantasy romance, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, sci-fi, and high fantasy—all with badass heroines and irresistible heroes. She used to work as a software engineer at a Fortune 500 company, but now writes full-time and loves every minute of it. She lives in Birmingham with her husband, two kids, and a cat named Ossie.

Her favorite outings involve a trip to the library or bookstore where she immediately gravitates toward the speculative section. She’s an avid reader and fangirl of many amazing books. She is a dreamer and a fighter who believes perseverance and hard work can make dreams come true.

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