The hub of life in the islands is the local rum shop and though living in the Windward Islands in the Caribbean might be a little different than other places, maybe move at a slower place, the problems of life are pretty much the same as anywhere else. Still, it's a different kind of world.
Stories and poems written in Grenada, WI.
Art by Dagny
Ed Teja is a lifelong writer and denizen of the margins of the world. A former magazine editor and boat bum living rather out of the main stream, and now lurking in rural New Mexico, his stories are about the people and places he knows -- the odd corners of the world that often disappear into the margins, and the amazing, often strange, people that inhabit those places.
He finds moving frequently, traveling slowly, a heady, addictive way to live and work.
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A lifetime of art and travel and looking at the world crosswise.