Bagian kedua akan mengajarkan kepada Anda beberapa metode studi Alkitab yang andal dan teruji waktu, yang telah digunakan selama lebih dari 60 tahun.
Anda akan belajar cara melakukan pemahaman Alkitab tanya jawab, PA analisis ayat Alkitab, PA analisis Kitab secara komprehensif, Pemahaman Alkitab bertopik, dan PA tentang tokoh Alkitab.
The Navigators is focused on developing disciples person-by-person-by-person and encouraging spiritual growth across life stages. A disciple is someone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, intentionally learns from Him, and strives to live more like Him. Discipleship means intentionally helping people learn from and live more like Christ by praying with them, spending time together in His Word, walking alongside them in everyday life, and equipping them to do the same with others. God is transforming lives through these spiritual generations.