About this book, Dr. Lester Sumrall in his Forward writes:
"Many have written concerning fasting. Few have experienced extended fasts several times per year from forty-eight hours per week and from twenty-one to forty days' duration with such results as Dr. Fomum and believers in some of the Churches in Cameroon....
The reader of The Ministry of Fasting is caught up in the reality of fasting unto the Lord....
Along with Bible characters, the Church fathers from Savanarola, Martin Luther, Knox, Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, and modern Church leaders, both living and dead, are cited as exemplary among those who valued fasting unto victory in Christ....
Dr. Fomum explores
- the aspects of fasting,
- interference of spirits, and
- the different reasons to fast:
- for deliverance,
- for ministering unto the Lord, and
- for mourning...
He helps one with
- preparations for fasting,
- how to intercede while fasting,
- how to break a fast,
- what to do after a fast, and
- how to maintain the results of a fast.
The book is written, as the others of his books, in a teachable, expanded outline format. The earnest intercessor and serious spiritual warrior will want to read this book."
In fact, even if you fear fasting, this book will help you to start this vital Christian discipline.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum