R Sajdak
Despite an enticing cover and coming to this after enjoying the movie, this book was disastrous. The language is dull, unimaginative and repetitive with descriptions like “green jungle” and the “sun was hot” – ironic considering the pretentious narrative and unexplained technical jargon. For a great story, we could forgive the bad writing, but what really ruins this book is the rampant sexism, borderline racism and constant misogyny. The whole narrative is littered with cringe-worthy, outdated portrayals of women. Men are generally introduced by their name and rank, while for women it’s looks and often cup size. It feels like it was written decades ago, not in 2017. Instead of satire or characterisation, it’s just plain offensive. The pacing is a slog, with endless repetitions and not enough action. To be totally honest, it feels like a cash grab, wasting nearly 10% of the book teasing the next book. It’s shocking that this uninspired mess of a novel inspired a movie.