Linda Strong
Eleven years ago, two young teenage boys force a young teenage girl into an abandoned bunker where they committed a crime so horrifying that the entire nation is beyond belief. It is only because another person saw them headed for the place where the girl's body would later be found that the police found the killers. After serving only a few years behind prison walls because of their ages, the young (now) men are being released. They are each given documents with a new name, a new background... one man will go to Canada, the other to New Zealand. They will be subject to intense scrutiny until the day they die .. and someone wants to make sure that day comes. The story takes the reader from the boys themselves, to the crime to their arrest to charges filed to a guilty sentence. In alternating chapters, the reader is given a look at what is happen today ... the cops who were on the original investigation are still on the case now they the boys have been released. DS Fraser Harvey cannot let this crime go. It just about kills him to have to release these monsters certain they will commit new crimes in the same fashion. The girl's family is also fed up with the "justice" and they, too, will do whatever they can to find a way to live without the little girl that everybody loved. As the author, himself, joined the Metropolitan Police Service in the late 1980s , I expected a great deal of credibility. I was not disappointed. This is well-written with a complex plot and an intriguing story line. There are twists and turns that are brain benders and lead to a most surprising, unexpected conclusion. This author is well worth following. Many thanks to the author / Bloodhound Books for the digital copy of this British crime fiction. Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.