Dr. Wil Chevalier is the cofounder and executive director of LifeBranch Institute International, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to Christian leadership development and marriage enrichment. He holds an MA from BIOLA University, an MDiv from Asian Theological Seminary, and a DMin from Trinity Seminary. Wil also did postgraduate work at the Asia Graduate School of Theology, Manila. Wil was a middle manager for Pacific Telephone and served as a shareowner-relations manager for AT&T. Upon leaving Pacific Telephone, Wil became the Asian director of Guidelines International, a mission agency dedicated to reaching the family through print and broadcast media. Wil is a certified mediator, trained through Dispute Resolution Services (DRS), a nonprofit corporation of the Los Angeles Bar Association. He received training through the Barristers Domestic Violence Project (Los Angeles Bar Association) and the Victim-Offender Reconciliation Program Cross Training of Orange County. He was a member of the Orange County Task Force for Promise Keepers’ Ethnic and Denominational Reconciliation (1995–1997). Wil and his wife, Jacquie, work as a team at LifeBranch conferences and leadership development seminars. For more than thirty years, they have conducted training in the areas of conflict management, communication, and marriage/family issues. They are certified with the IBCC (International Board of Christian Counselors) as Crisis Response Specialists through CISM, International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. They are also members of the American Association of Christian Counselors and the International Press Association. Wil and Jacquie have also spoken at conferences for the American Association of Christian Counselors, the Christian Management Association, Smart Marriages, and the Urban Congress on the Family. They travel widely through their speaking and teaching ministry, ministering on six continents. Many of their publications have achieved international exposure and have been translated into several languages. The Chevaliers have authored several books, including Coaching in Context, Glory in His Name, The Agony & Ecstasy of Intimacy, More Than Love, Marriage Beyond the Garden, Parenting the Coming Generation, and Embracing the Mystery of Love and Marriage. Additionally, Wil wrote Shaking the Family Tree and recorded three music albums that reflect the messages of love and reconciliation. Please contact Wil Chevalier via email directly at [email protected] should you desire to invite him to be a speaker for your church events or conferences. Also, be sure to visit our website: www.lifebranch.com LifeBranch Institute, Inc. P.O. Box 8097, Laguna Hills, CA 92654