Two hunters have a dangerous showdown with a deadly Sioux warrior in this western from Charles G. West...
In the winter of 1866, trail partners Matt Slaughter and Ike Brister are hunting elk in the high lonesome of the Bighorn Mountains. But a clash with the Sioux—led by the dreaded Iron Claw—turns the knee-deep snow red with blood. Only the deadly rapid-fire of Matt’s Henry rifle—the feared spirit gun—gets him and Ike out alive.
Back at Fort Laramie, Matt and Ike sign up as cavalry scouts. Prospectors on the Bozeman Trail are an endangered species, especially now that Iron Claw has declared war on all whites using the trail. When Matt’s girl is taken captive, a bloody showdown with Iron Claw is inevitable. And it’s destined to take place beyond the mountains Matt and Ike fled for dear life—in a valley called Little Bighorn…
“Rarely has an author painted the great American West in strokes so bold, vivid, and true.”—Ralph Compton
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