The Gates of Time

· The Starsea Cycle 9권 · Kyle West
리뷰 11개
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The Worlds are saved—but not for long.

Lucian Abrantes and the Starsea Fleet have driven back the Alkasen. While the Worlds rebuild and recover from the brutal war, the Ancient One threatens to undo the uneasy peace.

On the world of Mako, the Ancient One has done the unthinkable. Marshaling the ether of the Source of Power, he has escaped through a Time Gate, an action that threatens to unravel Lucian's heroism and even reality itself.

Lucian has no choice but to follow him. But time travel has terrifying consequences that require him to go down a dark path. What price will Lucian pay to protect his reality and loved ones from complete destruction?

평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 11개

저자 정보

Kyle West is the author of The Starsea Cycle, The Wasteland Chronicles, and The Xenoworld Saga.

His goal is to write as many entertaining books as possible, with interesting worlds and characters that hopefully give his readers a break from the mundane.

He lives with his lovely wife, two sons, and two insanely spoiled cats.

He truly appreciates his readers, and invites them to learn more about him and his books and

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