Tom Holloway
Before I read this book I was confident in my driving ability. I thought I knew the hazards of travel, and how to stay on top of them. Reading this book, however, has opened my eyes to the dangers of driving while tired. The Drowsy Driving Handbook alerts those at risk to the peril of sleep-impaired travel, as well as provides crucial tips on how to stay awake, and more importantly, stay alive. The book is arranged in a clear, concise, and easy to read manner, so reader's can efficiently extract the vital information needed to stay safe on our roads. Drowsy driving is a nationwide silent killer, and The Drowsy Driving Handbook provides some well needed noise on this issue
Jack Garden
This book clearly explains the serious risks associated with drowsy driving. I was surprised at how much of a danger driving when fatigued can be and this guide makes it very clear how important it is to ensure you're fully alert while driving. It contains useful tips for how to ensure you don't place yourself and others at risk by driving while drowsy. Recommended for all drivers, young and old, as important reading. I think most people don't understand how serious this risk can be, and so I recommend this book as providing essential information.
Shanoj Valiyara
I came across this book through a friend who was concerned about my long overnight drives. My job requires me to drive quite a lot and I have caught myself taking a microsecond nap on more than one occasion. This book helped me changed my misconceptions about drowsy driving and taught me to not ignore the drowsy driving signs. It helped me understand that I was not only putting myself but others at risk as a result of my drowsy driving. I was quite impressed by this book and felt that everyone who drives should read it. After all, most of us would have had a microseconds nap while driving on one or more occasions. I feel that this book should be handed out to every one who drives. Very well written and informative. I strongly recommend this book as a gift to young drivers. Remember, your life and your dear ones life is valuable. Understand the dangers of drowsy driving.
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