Adam Freemotion
This review has English and Türkçe parts: English: this was the first Tami Hoag book that I finished just a minutes before. it was very good written and every parts got together at the end of the book. there was no any fill-in-the-blanks texts in this book and this was great. the story affected me very deeply. It told a dark story about crime of passion that unfortunately we can find such a dark things in our world. it was thrilling and the author notably managed to express the dark side of our relations between families and friends. this story is a good clue for the importance of being accepted by people and showed how important it is to adopt and accept any differences between humans and respect all as we expect to be treated by others. Tami Hoag is among my favorite authors from now on and I am so happy to find another author who can touch the hearts. Türkçe: Tami Hoag'dan okudugum ilk kitapti. heyecan verici ve karanlik yuzu olan bir hikayeyi anlatiyor. basdan sona her sey cok guzel anlatilmis ve ortada hic bir sey birakilmamistir. kitabin sonu gerilim dolu ve sinir bozucu. sinir bozucu oldugunun nedeni hikayede olanlardir. oyle ki o bolumleri okurken icim sizladi nerdeyse. maalesef biliyoruz ki bu dunyada ne kadar kotuluk varsa, onlrin da uzerinde kutuluk bulmak mumkun ve bu hikaye de bunun icin bir baska teyit. keske insanlar ne kadar guclu olduklarini anlayabilselerdi; en kotusu ve en iyisi olmak bir karara bagli sadece! nerdeyse; kitaba donelim; Tami Hoag'un tarzini cok sevdim ve artik baska kitaplarini da okumak istiyorum. ama maalesef kitaplarin hepsi piyasada bulunamaz hale gelmis (bir cok baska kitab gibi). nasilsa allahdan Inglizcelerini bulmak ve Turkce kitaplarindan daha ucuza satin almak mumkun.
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Melissa Loman
How can you not love Liska and Kovac? Great characters-flawed, heroic everyday people with ordinary lives-we can relate to the joys and woes of parenting, of being alone--heartbreak and moving on in life. But the tapestries of crimes, murders, and dead bodies begin as a backdrop, and weave these characters into isolated events that turn vignettes into a novel. Well done. and I cannot wait for the next adventure
3 people found this review helpful
Nicola Browne
This was the first book I've read for Tami and I will read another. It's an easy and engaging read. I can totally relate to her characters. Some of the descriptions are a bit graphic but if you can manage, this is a good read.
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