a Bell investment of approximately $400 million to expand broadband Internet access in urban and rural
areas of Hamilton, the largest digital infrastructure investment in the City's history. Over the next five years,
Bell and a Bell-funded team of City of Hamilton staff will bring direct fibre network connections to more
than 200,000 homes and business locations throughout the City with zero cost to taxpayers. The network
will provide consumers with access to data speeds up to 1.5 gigabits per second, the fastest home Internet
speeds in Canada. Working in partnership with the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce's Digital Infrastructure
Task Force, gaps in digital infrastructure across the community were identified. Subsequently, the City
worked to increase investment in digital infrastructure to address the gaps. As part of the plan to enhance
Hamilton's standing as a Digital City, Mayor Eisenberger requested that broadband speeds be enhanced for
all of urban Hamilton, business parks and major commercial areas, and rural areas in the community. In
addition to premium network support for the City's business community, the Bell project includes the
expansion of high-speed Bell Wireless Home Internet service to 8,000 homes in rural Hamilton. This
innovative 5G capable technology delivered over Bell's advanced LTE wireless network provides
broadband residential Internet access for small towns, farming communities and other less populated
locations. Bell will work in close cooperation with the City and local contractors, including Aecon, Telecon
and Sentrex, to employ innovative techniques to minimize disruption to residents and businesses
throughout the project. The majority of the network build will consist of new fibre installed underground,
with additional fibre located on Bell, Hydro One and Alectra Utilities poles.