Melalui latihan mindfulness, pemimpin diajarkan untuk hidup dalam momen saat ini dan menerima segala keadaan tanpa penilaian atau reaksi berlebihan. Ini memungkinkan pemimpin tetap tenang dan jernih dalam situasi yang menekan, serta membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang harmonis. Buku ini juga membahas bagaimana mindfulness mendorong pemimpin untuk mengembangkan empati, membangun hubungan yang lebih baik dengan tim, dan meningkatkan efisiensi serta kualitas pekerjaan dengan melepaskan kebiasaan multitasking.
Pada akhirnya, mindfulness tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi pemimpin tetapi juga bagi seluruh organisasi. Dengan menumbuhkan budaya kesadaran, penerimaan, dan ketenangan, organisasi dapat menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang lebih sehat dan bahagia, meningkatkan kesejahteraan individu, serta produktivitas dan keberhasilan organisasi secara keseluruhan.
Temukan bagaimana mindfulness dapat mengubah cara Anda memimpin dan hidup melalui halaman-halaman buku ini!
Tanti Widia Nurdiani, a book author with many interactive books that have been published both in print and digitally. A writer and researcher with internationally published journals. Tanti also actively writes in print and online mass media. A professional practitioner and expert in the field of end-to-end Management Consultant. 15 years as a banker with the last position as Executive Officer, 11 years in a state-owned Islamic Bank and 4.5 years in a BUMD-owned Islamic Bank in East Java. Approximately 2 years as head of division equivalent to echelon 2 in two state agencies. Currently, Tanti is the Founder and President Director of LPK, LKP, PT. AKADEMI SMART INDONESIA - with the branding name SIA (Smart Indonesia Academy) School of Management and Consulting, that is an educational institution focusing on Management and people developments aspects. As part of the responsibility towards the nations, Smart Indonesia Academy is registered and supervised by Indonesia Education Office and the Republic of Indonesia’s Ministry of Manpower (Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia), Tanti also as Senior Lecturer at the University in Malang, Tanti as a Master Trainer certified by the National Board for Professional Certification (BNSP), Indonesia’s National Certification Body with many flying hours and Certification Program Director at AAPM ® American Academy of Project Management ®, a global organization that offers accreditation and recognition for project managers and leaders worldwide. Tanti led and facilitated various training and assessment programs for professionals in various fields and sectors since November 2020, with a focus on risk management, finance, and competency development.
With more than 20 certifications in various fields and over 15 years of experience in leadership, finance, overall knowledge and banking operations from front to back functions, good leadership skills and the ability to incorporate creativity, have a proven track record of delivering results in credit portfolio management, policy making, team management, and mentoring. Successfully allocated credit limits, monitored and mitigated high-risk merchants and segments, negotiated agreements, improved risk monitoring models, and developed new risk models by working closely with data analysts. Expert in managing and supporting various projects. With 5 years of experience in the training and education industry, have a proven track record of enhancing my knowledge and skills, as well as helping others to achieve their career goals and potential. I am passionate about sharing my expertise and experience with others, and empowering them to succeed in their respective fields as well as being a certified international professional trainer.
Tanti wants to always create value and make an impact. Currently, she is pursuing her Doctoral Program at Sebelas Maret University Surakarta-Indonesia. She was awarded Indonesia 50 Best Leader Award 2019 in the category of The Best Inspiring Women Leader of the Year, Award for Owner and Director of Smart Indonesia Academy by Excellence IFL 2022 in the category of Excellence Inspiring Female Leader 2022, Award for Owner and Director of Smart Indonesia Academy by Jawa Pos Radar Malang Awards 2022 in the category of Brilliant Management Female Counselor-Trainer.