The contents compiled here, has been brought forth as an inspiration and help to those who have attained some biblical knowledge of the End Times over the years, but have not been able to achieve a full perspective or understanding. So in simple to comprehend analogy, I have assembled an easy to understand account of them from the Holy Scriptures. There are current events today offering powerful suggestions to the End Times here and now, as well as sound evidence found in Scripture to link them together bilaterally. There are segments here that will no doubt challenge conventional thinking. Most of all the contents here have been assembled for layman understanding. There also may be theological differences from modern day biblical understanding of our era, and yet foundations from of old, but lost over time will be brought forward.
My compliments are to my wife Lyn for doing all the work compiling all my writings from the past and formatting them here into ebook form. She is credited for each and every book cover as well. Concerning the children's stories "Little Girl Lyn" and "Little Boy Josh" she is credited for taking it upon herself putting all of these books together too. Her cousin Joy Estella makes all the preliminary sketch drawings and then Lyn takes it from there, spending hours of her time computer editing them into the illustrations that are in the books we can see here now. Much thanks and love to my wife Lyn for her work which brought things to life for me and all the readers to enjoy.
I am a self studied Bible believer and Born Again Christian for over 45 years, with that of consistent Bible study on a daily basis for most of those years. I grew up within the traditional modern day church theology as a child to my young adulthood. Mostly of a Baptist upbringing and also other Bible based churches. With many family members and relatives who have gone into the ministry conventionally, I have not. Over the past 20 years I have assembled at In-Home gatherings. My wife and I have done self supported mission work overseas in the past. I have not gone regular to a conventional church since 1992. I have distanced myself and family away from conventional assemblies with great disparities over their patterns of change toward God and the scriptures.
Adult Reading
"Son of Perdition-End Of This Age" "The Harlot" & "Giants- The Amazing Truth"
For Children ages 2-8
"The Little Boy Josh Series" "The Little Girl Lyn Book Series"