Yvonne Musacchio
This book, and the book, "Archeron" by the same author, is about pain, torture, and humiliation. In addition, the story of Archeron and Styxx is in no way consistent. I hardly recognize Styxx and Archeron in this book. No where did the previous, Archeron book describe Styxx and suffering anything. He was the doted upon twin while Archeron suffered unbelievable torture and humiliation. I cannot remember Archeron ever getting to play and laugh with Ryssa while Styxx had to be isolated and continually punished unfairly. Styxx was always the selfish, favored son, while Archeron was despised. Ryssa is portrayed differently here as well. She sought to protect Archeron, but she was never the spoiled, selfish, unfair sister. I wonder if she is trying to attract the Masochistic crowd. If so, warn me first! I will certainly keep reading her novels, but I am less of a fan now.
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Christina Cox
This is an incredible story of life, lessons, love, nightmares and far too much rape. Be forewarned that 3/4 of this book is a far too detailed story of utter degradation and rape! Male rape. If someone had warned me of how physically and mentally sickened I'd be reading this book I'd have passed. I seriously would! Kenyon is an incredible writer, but she could have been less graphic and if she had been, the book would be cut in half. That's how much man on man rape is in this addition to the Dark-Hunters.
This was a hard read for me. At times it felt like over kill it was so heart breaking. If not for my need to know the full story I don't think I would've finish. She is an incredible writer and I'm glad I read the book. Just be warned this is not the normal quick heart breaking story before finding love. It's several chapters of pain.
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