The world Vanessa once knew is shattered, and the scattered pieces that are left behind make up a dark and twisted path that is shrouded in mystery. Piece by piece, her past is revealed to her at a rate that makes her head spin. She doesnโt know who to trust and who to believe anymore.
As she comes to terms with all these things, our young witch finally gains a family heirloom that has been tucked away until the right time presented itself. A family grimoire. It holds more than spells and incantations. Between the old, leather bindings treasures are awaiting her. And that isnโt all. Answers to questions both new and old are found within its pages.
If tackling her family roots and magic werenโt going to be complicated enough, Vanessa still has work to do. A mission scroll that leads them back to Runerite Academy hurls her down a path full of villains hell-bent on the world staying in the chaotic mess that it is. All magic is hitting the fan as each truth unfolds. A stranger emerges seeking aid, the lies keep stacking up, never-ending attacks on their lives are made, and more black magic than the Coven knows what to do with all collide together as Vanessa tries to unravel the truth behind the case that started it all.
But the sand in the hourglass is running short, and it seems like war is on the horizon. Can they succeed in saving their world from the countless tragedies or are they going to die trying?
Nia Rose is the author of 3 books in the Coven Chronicles serial, a dual trilogy written along with author Octavia J. Riley. Nia wrote books 1, 3, and 5 in the epic fantasy adventure while her co-author wrote books 2, 4, and 6. The original idea for the books was birthed from excessive amounts of coffee, no sleep, and Polish accented hand puppets.
In 2021, Nia Rose started to outline 3 novels that would be published in the years to follow after the end of the beloved Coven Chronicles series. She and Octavia built an entire world and plan to release future books within the world of Raen but on different continents of the world. Each just as unique and mystical as the series that started it all. But there are countless stories that she still has to tell between those.
A mother of 4 children, Nia Rose is surrounded by creativity and wild imaginations that feed her craft. She is forever telling in-the-moment-spun fairy-tales for her bright, beautiful babies. Almost every moment is an inspiration for a new story.
Nia Rose is fueled by her faith in God and by the love for her family. Oftentimes, she finds herself battling her demons on paper and ever constantly discovering herself through the adventures that she writes. It is her therapy and joy.
Her wish is that her work inspires people to be happy and magical beings that never lose hope and always strive for a better tomorrow.