The sequential periodic motions in such a 1-D time-delayed system are achieved semi-analytically, and the corresponding stability and bifurcations are determined by eigenvalue analysis. Each bifurcation tree of a specific periodic motion to chaos are presented in detail. The bifurcation tree appearance and vanishing are determined by the saddle-node bifurcation, and the cascaded period-doubled periodic solutions are determined by the period-doubling bifurcation. From finite Fourier series, harmonic amplitude and harmonic phases for periodic motions on the global bifurcation tree are obtained for frequency analysis. Numerical illustrations of periodic motions are given for complex periodic motions in global bifurcation trees. The rich dynamics of the 1-D, delayed, nonlinear dynamical system is presented. Such global sequential periodic motions to chaos exist in nonlinear dynamical systems. The frequency-amplitude analysis can be used for re-construction of analytical expression of periodic motions, which can be used for motion control in dynamical systems.