Jill Donovan
I thought it was alright. I really loved the first 3 books of the series but I kept finding the main character annoying me in this one. The big reveal felt a little rushed as well. Overall it was an okay ready and was nice to revisit some characters and I enjoyed the little references made to the previous books. Not a terrible purchase but I'd recommend just waiting til it's on sale.
Jennifer Poole
I loved the series, although 'Specials' was not what I expected. I am glad that Tally appeared in the book, although I would have hoped that the last book showed more of the life she built for herself now that she was thinking and living for herself.
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Donna Flores
The last of the uglies series... When I began this book, I was thoroughly disappointed that it wasn't through Tally's point of view. About mid way, I understood what Westerfield was doing when he changed a bit of the format, and followed a new path. It was brilliant. I am still not sure if I like Aya, but I do believe we all have a little of her in us. The whole series was suspense, and you could see the happily ever after so close, but never quite getting there. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.
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