Every day, we are bombarded by voices of fear, anger, and speculation. They seek to drown out the one voice that we so desperately need to hear – the voice of Father God. God’s voice is so different from every other voice. He is not only happy, but He is a good Father who gives His sons and daughters access to His heart. By listening to His voice, we are empowered to bring His Kingdom to Earth.
Prophetic leader, podcaster, and emerging minister Sarah Cheesman takes an in-depth look at the heart of God for His sons and daughters. Dispelling lifetimes of false beliefs, she focuses on how knowing and listening to God’s voice helps us discover His love and deep joy, every moment of every day!
Using practical exercises for daily conversation and ongoing dialogue with the Holy Spirit, Sarah helps readers to:
When you are connected to the source of life Himself, you will live in a whole new place of hope! Allow the kindness of the Father to propel you into your calling as His son or daughter, and change the world with His love!
Sarah Cheesman loves the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and believes that hearing the voice of God is natural for every believer and, indeed, their birthright! She carries a heart for societal transformation and encourages the Church to give their hearts in prayer to see battles won in the heavenlies and to receive strategies that are effective for change in the earth. She sits on the Australian Prophetic Council, leads their up-and-coming prophets, and is a prophetic voice to the Glory City Network. Additionally, she teaches weekly at The Academy, facilitates the School of the Prophets at Glory City Church, and leads their prophetic community. She also hosts her own podcast, The Happy Prophet Podcast. Sarah and her husband Jesse live in Brisbane, Australia, and have three little ones—Lucy, Harry, and Otis.
Cindy Jacobs is a prophet, speaker, teacher, and author with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and the prophetic. At nine years old, the Lord called Cindy when He urged her to read Psalm 2:8: "Ask of me the nations for your inheritance." Today, Cindy helps people walk in the ministry of prophetic intercession, equipping them to pray effectively in over 100 nations. Cindy has written for Charisma Magazine, Ministry Today, and Spirit-Led Woman, and is a bestselling author.