- I. What Is Occultism? - II. Is Occultism Worth While? - III. The Deeper Issues Of Occultism. - IV. Credulity In Occult Research - V. Meditation And Psychism - VI. The Use And Abuse Of Astrology - VII. Records Of Past Lives - VIII. Numerology And Prophecy - IX. Group Karma In Occult Societies - X. Authority And Obedience In Occultism - XI. Secrecy In Occult Fraternities - XII. The Left-Hand Path - XIII. Occultism And Immorality - XIV. Psychic Pathologies - XV. Mental Trespassing - XVI. Occultism And Vegetarianism - XVII. Eastern Methods And Western Bodies - XVIII. Standards Of Judgment - XIX. The Ideals Of Occultism