Hippocrates the father of medicine said that all diseases begin in the gut. Well we have come a long way since Hippocrates, but it is still true today, that if your digestive tract is unhealthy you will not be a healthy individual.
Dr Sandra Cabot, author of the award winning book “The Liver Cleansing Diet” says “You can overcome your bowel problems with holistic medicine.” Dr Cabot has written a new book titled “Heathy Bowel Healthy Body, an A to Z Guide”
Dr Cabot says, “You may eat a nutritious diet, but if your liver, pancreas, stomach or intestines are not healthy, you will not be able to benefit from the nutrients in healthy foods.”
New research has found that gut health plays a crucial role in all aspects of our health and has a profound influence on:
• Mental health – the gut brain connection is huge
• Our energy levels
• Our risk of cancer
• Autoimmune disease
• Allergies
• Recurrent infections
• Pain and inflammation
• Weight excess
The book “Healthy Bowel Healthy Body, an A to Z Guide to Heal the Bowel” will give you the vital principles for a healthy digestive system from the mouth to the anus. It presents the latest research and holistic strategies to overcome common bowel problems including:
Excess Gas and Bloating, Bad Breath, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation, Parasites, Candida, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Reflux, Heartburn, Poor Digestion, Gluten Intolerance, Food Allergies, Leaky Gut, Bowel Pockets, Pancreas Problems and much more.
It includes information on how to treat bowel cancer and provides practical and potentially lifesaving advice.
Also included is a large recipe section for anyone who has a sensitive tummy or just wants to enjoy the large variety of delicious recipes which include gluten free, dairy free, nut free and sugar free alternatives as well as traditional favourites that wont upset your bowel. A low FODMAP Diet is included. This A to Z guide to heal the bowel is written for everyone who wants a better belly. Everyone who has ever had a tummy ache, everyone who can’t poop the way they want to poop. There has never been another time in history when bowel related problems have affected so many people. There has never been a greater need for this timely information. Get your copy now.
Enquiries Dr Cabot’s Health Advisory Service - Australia 02 4655 8855 or USA 623 334 3232
Healthy Bowel Healthy Body is available from all good book stands and online at www.cabothealth.com.au
Sandra Cabot MD
Dr Cabot is the Medical and Executive Director of the Australian National Health Advisory Service. She graduated with honours in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Adelaide in South Australia in 1975.
Dr Cabot began her medical career in 1980 as a GP Obstetrician-Gynaecologist and practised in Sydney Australia. During the mid 1980s she spent time working as a volunteer doctor at the Leyman hospital, which was the largest missionary hospital in Northern India.
Sandra is the author of the Liver Cleansing Diet - best selling non-fiction book of the 90ís and has authored and co-authored more than twenty books on health and nutrition.
Dr Cabot is an experienced commercial pilot and flies herself to seminars throughout Australia, often visiting remote areas. Sandra and her Beechcraft Baron aircraft do regular work for the Angel Flight Charity, which provides free transport for patients with chronic and severe disabilities in remote Australian areas.
Dr Cabot has conducted health seminars all over the world and has lectured numerous health organisations such as The American Liver Foundation and the Annual Hepatitis Symposium. She still has an active medical practice and does research into liver diseases. Her unique online liver check up is free and available at www.liverdoctor.com
Dr Cabot believes that the most important health issues for people today are ñ
*The control of obesity and the prevention of diabetes
*Educating our children about self esteem, good diet and healthy lifestyle
*Making hormone replacement therapy safe and as natural as possible
*The use of specific nutritional supplements to treat and prevent diseases
*Educating doctors and naturopaths so that they can work together using evidence based holistic medicine to achieve the best outcomes for patients
*The effective treatment of mental and emotional illness
*A supportive and well educated community where people have the confidence and knowledge to find the best health care