Salamanders For Kidsย
Table of Contentsย
About Salamandersย
External Featuresย
Defense Mechanismsย
Myths and Legendsย
Tiger salamanderย
Flatwoods salamanderย
Northwestern salamanderย
Jefferson salamanderย
Long- toed salamanderย
Cave salamanderย
Red Hills salamanderย
Northern zigzag salamanderย
Clouded salamanderย
Green salamanderย
Author Bioย
Most of you can name at least 2 or 3 different breeds of dogs or even cats when asked. They are common animals that we encounter almost every day. But will you be able to answer if asked to name at least one species of salamander? Some may even wonder whether there are many types in this creature after this question is posed to them. But luckily you donโt have to wrack your brain to search for answers as we provide you with all the facts that you need to know about salamanders in this fun book! Learn some fascinating facts about a unique, and a not-so-common animal.ย
Come on and join us as we try to explore about salamanders, their features, senses, feeding habits, defensive mechanisms, species and many more!