In this book, the history of Fuzzy Set Theory and the ways it was first used are incorporated into the history of 20th century science and technology. Influences from philosophy, system theory and cybernetics stemming from the earliest part of the 20th century are considered alongside those of communication and control theory from mid-century.
Today, Fuzzy Set Theory is the core discipline of "soft computing," and provides new impetus for research in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Rudolf Seising received his MS degree (Diplom) in mathematics from the Ruhr-University of Bochum 1986. He received his Ph.D. degree (Dr.) in philosophy of science in 1995 for his work on the philosophy of probability theory in quantum mechanics, and his habilitation degree (PD) of history of science from the LMU of Munich in 2004 for his work on the history of the theory of fuzzy sets.
He was a research assistant for computer sciences at the University of the Armed Forces in Munich (1988 - 1995) and for history of sciences at the same university (1995-2002).
Since 2002, he has worked as a research assistant for medical expert and knowledge-based systems at the University of Vienna Medical School (since 2004) of the Medical University of Vienna respectively.
Rudolf Seising teaches philosophy and history of medicine, medical computer sciences and especially history and philosophy of soft computing. His research interests include the philosophy and history of artificial intelligence.