You will also gain a greater understanding of how this process can be implemented into a variety of areas in your life. If you own a company, gain a greater understanding of how you can best transmit new skills to your employees. Look into how we learn and what that means in terms of teaching new information or skills. Other areas this book will cover include
This book will help you create your practical methodology to harness our inner potential for self-improvement.
· You will learn how to focus your attention.
· If you have a positive mindset, then you will attract positive events and experience them in your life.
· As such, positive thinking not only directs the focus of your thoughts. Rather, it becomes an exercise to create reality.
· By practicing positive thinking, you create a positive reality for yourself.
Imagination can be used to create an active visual link between two ideas you are trying to remember. Guided imagery is used to present lessons while listening to baroque music. During this relaxation period, students hear the terms they are to learn presented with the encoding of the five senses.
Images of visual pictures are created in their mind as they hear the words and phrases spoken during this session.
Hi, my name is Ronnie Romeo. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.