Rising Tide: Forgotten Realms

· The Threat from the Sea Kitab 1 · Wizards of the Coast
7 rəy
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Bu e-kitab haqqında

From the murky depths of the Shining Sea rises a pre-historic menace who commands a rising tide of invasion to crash over the shores of .

Iakhovas has plotted for long, bitter years to regain the powers that were torn from him by an angry goddess. Now, nothing will stand in his way, and the face of Toril will never be the same again.

Oblivious to the growing danger of the undersea civilizations, the surface world is about to awaken to a new, horrifying threat from the sea.

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7 rəy

Müəllif haqqında

Mel Odom is a veteran author of fantasy, science fiction, and action-adventure novels. A native of Oklahoma, Mel brings his own backyard into a post-apocalyptic future.

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