Have you ever appointed an individual to a key position in your church or ministry, only to realize later on that you made a poor choice? Or perhaps you realized that although the individual had potential, he or she wasn't quite ready to assume the responsibility you had assigned. Such regrets are unfortunate - and they are entirely avoidable. In his book, Promotion: Ten Guidelines To Help You Achieve Your Long-Awaited Promotion, Rick Renner presents his acid test for leadership - ten guidelines to determine if an individual is compatible with you and prepared to take on more authority and responsibility. All relationships in your church or ministry will eventually be tested, either willingly or inadvertently. Why not take the time and the measures to determine beforehand if people are ready to enter certain realms of responsibility? Rick uses both his past mistakes and past victories to illustrate what he has learned not only about becoming ready for leadership but also about moving carefully and more accurately when choosing key members for the inner circle of his team. In addition, his examples offer a checklist for self-examination to help you determine if you are actually ready for promotion. These insightful principles and practical guidelines are drawn from the Word of God; therefore, they can be applied to the advantage of any work environment in any region of the world.