A Google user
Entertaining and thought provoking. It asks some tough questions and will make you probably dispel some long held beliefs.
Richard Dawkins attempts to whittle human life down to a very simple process driven purely by science, accepting Evolution as the be all, end all for ALL life's answers.
If you believe your ancestors are ancient sludge, life has no real purpose and you view yourself as no more than functionally complex bacteria, this is your book is for you.
AJ cutiecuteness101
To see this book hurt me feeling more than if someone were to shoot me. Especially where it mentions abusing kids. Atheist rather kill unborn child than have a second thought about it. for those of you who say it not a living creature think again. the definition of living is alive, and active. the baby inside of a women is alive, it is active. It someone published a book about the faults of atheism, all you people would get mad at them, well instead of fighting about this i just want to say, i am praying for all those of you who are atheist, i pray God will come into your hearts and open them for the good!
6 people found this review helpful
A Google user
Dawkins book is an entertaining read, but his logic is patently elementary and unphilosophical. Arguments like, "If God created everything then who created God?" and the assertion, "Science and God are incompatible," are just a few of many illogical, poorly constructed, and out-dated propositions made in this book. Dawkins knows nothing about theology, faith, nor philosophy, and every page in this book makes that painfully clear; it construes theists as monsters, and atheists as sophomoric tyrants.