Justine Dasant walks the earth in search of something that always seems to be just out of reach. After she's promised herself that she would leave her past in the past, history starts to repeat when her current boyfriend, Isaiah Johnson, shows interest in someone other than her. Justine makes it known that she'll stop at nothing to get what she wants ... no matter who gets hurt along the way.
Isaiah Johnson, a young, successful CEO, has climbed himself to a life of wealth. He's worked hard to open his own business and just when success peaks, Isaiah's new found strength to step out on faith drives a wedge between him and the woman in his life. Not only does he regret meeting Justine, it's a challenge for him to escape her calculated stalking.
At what cost will Isaiah say no to the world and yes to God?
Renée McCoy, known to readers as Renée Allen McCoy, is originally from South Carolina. Having traveled to many parts of the world, today she, her husband, and their two children make Mississippi home.
Feel free to visit her at www.ReneeAllenMcCoy.com