At the same time, we strive for a clear, direct presentation of the materials so that students at differing levels, and with differing goals for taking the course can come to understand on what to do and accomplish the structure assignment well in the class. This textbook facilitate the implementation of cooperative learning through various teaching methods, like Jigsaw, SQ3R, DRTA, Think Pair Share, or KWL to promote students' citical thinking by encouraging application of higher order of thinking skills.
This reading comprehension textbook has some features to help the students to achieve the learning goals of reading comprehension course. Each chapter presents definition of the reading resource, steps in reviewing provide social function and generic structure of reading reports each reading resources genre, example of reading resources familiarize the students with various reading resources genres, example of reading report provides examples the reviews (reading reports), and exercise allow the students to practice to make reading reports.
We hope that this reading comprehension textbook will be beneficial to the students and lecturers in facilitating the reading comprehension course instruction.ย
Ive Emaliana is an English lecturer in Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. She accomplished her doctoral degree in English Language Teching in 2007 from state university of malang. Her teaching and research interests including epistemic beliefs, educational psychology, language assessment, gender study in education, and inclusiveย education. She wrote some books, and articles in national and international journals. She can be contacted via [email protected].ย
Alies Poetri Lintangsari accomplished her master degree on Linguistics in Universitas Brawijaya. Beside teaching in English Language Education Program, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya, she is also actively involved in Center for Disability Studies and Services in Universitas Brawijaya. Her teaching and research interest including Educational Linguistics, Inclusive Education, Disability Studies, Translation, Teaching Strategies and ICT-based Instructional Media. She can be contacted via [email protected]ย
is a lecturer in English Language Education Department of Faculty of Culturalย ย Universitas Brawijaya, Indoneisa. In 2013, she started her doctorate study at the Graduate Program, State University of Malang with BPPDN scholarship. She wrote some books in Linguistics and ELT . She can be contacted at her official emailย address: [email protected]ย