The textbook presents the necessary mathematical tools without assuming much background, making it accessible to readers without experience in quantum information theory. In particular, the topic of classical and quantum entropies is presented in great detail. Furthermore, the author discusses the different types of quantum key distribution protocols and explains several tools for proving the security of these protocols. In addition, a number of applications of quantum key distribution are discussed, demonstrating its value to state-of-the-art cryptography and communication.
This book leads the reader through the mathematical background with a variety of worked-out examples and exercises. It is primarily targeted at graduate students and advanced undergraduates in theoretical physics. The presented material is largely self-contained and only basic knowledge in quantum mechanics and linear algebra is required.
Ramona Wolf is a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Quantum Information Theory group at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, working on quantum cryptography. She has obtained her PhD in Physics at Leibniz University Hanover, Germany. She has gained a lot of teaching experience by being a tutor for several courses in theoretical physics and also teaching a full course on quantum key distribution. She has published a number of articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and supervised several Bachelor and Master projects.