Promises to Keep: A Clean Romance

· Harlequin
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O ovoj e-knjizi

Tricky curves ahead

After three years of grieving, it's finally time for widow McKenna Wellington to take that long-awaited road trip…though her adventure isn't meant to include Parker Fordum. The stodgy, set-in-his-ways economics professor is the last person McKenna wants to accompany her across 2,400 miles of defunct highway. But her late husband's friend has his own reasons for signing on.

And Parker's surprising McKenna in all sorts of good ways. Somewhere between Chicago and LA, an unlikely friendship blooms, turning a cross-country trip into something more. But what awaits them at journey's end?

O autoru

Shirley Hailstock likes to explore new worlds and visit exotic places. As an author, she can visit those places, and be the heroine of her own stories. The author of over thirty novels and novellas, Shirley has received numerous awards. Her books have appeared on BlackBoard, Essence and Library Journal bestseller lists. She is a past president of Romance Writers of America.

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