Stellar Spectropolarimetry: Basic Principles Observing Strategies, and Diagnostics of Magnetic Fields; S. Bagnulo.- Reflection Symmetry of a Sphere’s Internal Field and its Consequences on Scattering: Behavior of the Stokes Parameters; M.J. Berg.- Light Scattering by Large Faceted Particles;; A.G. Borovoi and N.V. Kustova.- Regularization of Inverse Problems in Atmospheric Remote Sensing; A. Doicu et al.- Light Scattering Resonances in Small Particles with Electric and Magnetic Optical Properties; B. Garcia-Cámara et al.- Laboratory Measurements of Light Scattered by Clouds and Layers of Solid Particles Using an Imaging Technique; E. Hadamcik et al.- High Sensitivity Polarimetry: Techniques and Applications; J. Hough.- Aerosol Retrievals under Partly Cloudy Conditions: Challenges and Perspectives; E. Kassianov et al.- Astrophysical Polarimetry in Ukraine; N.N. Kiselev, M.I. Mishchenko.- Photopolarimetric Remote Sensing of Aggregates in Cosmic Dust; L. Kolokolava.- Astrobiological Remote Sensing with Circular Polarization; L. Kolokolova et al.- Inferring Properties of Dust Within Small Bodies of the Solar System through Observations and Simulations of the Linear Polarization of Scattered Solar Light; A.-C. Levasseur-Regourd.- Semi-Empirical BRDF and BPDF Models Applied to the Problem of Aerosol Retrievals over Land: Testing on Airborne Data and Implications for Modeling of Top-of-Atmosphere Measurements; P. Litvinov et al.- An Estimation of Surface Albedo from the SEVIRI/MSG Observing System by Using POLDER BRDF Measurements; I. Pokrovsky et al.- Plasmonic Spectroscopy of 2D Densely Packed and Layered Metallic Nanostructures; A.N. Ponyavina, S.M. Kachan.- Opposition Optical Phenomena in Planetary Astrophysics: Observational Results; V.K. Rosenbush, M.I. Mishchenko.- Mueller-Matrix Characterization of Biological Tissues; S.N. Savenkov.- Plasmonic Optical Properties and the Polarization Modulation Technique; B.K. Serdega et al.- Inferring Microstructure and Turbulence Properties in Rain through Observations and Simulations of Signal Spectra Measured with Doppler-Polarimetric Radars; F. Yanovsky.