This is pocket guideline book about how to write program for Raspberry Pi include embedded programming. **TOC** 1. Preparing Development Environment 1.1 Raspberry Pi 1.2 Getting Hardware 1.3 Testing 2. Programming Language 2.1 Python 2.2 C/C++ 2.3 Node.js 2.4 Mono .NET 2.5 Java 3. Web Server and Web Application 3.1 Installing Apache Server 3.2 Installing MySQL 3.3 Installing PHP and MySQL Driver for PHP 3.4 Testing PHP 3.5 Testing PHP and MySQL 4. General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) 4.1 GPIO 4.2 Preparation 4.3 GPIO Python: Getting Started 4.4 Reading Pressed Button 4.5 Reading Analog Sensor 5. Arduino 5.1 Preparation 5.2 Raspberry Pi GPIO and Arduino 5.3 Raspberry Pi USB and Arduino 6. Raspberry Pi Serial Debugging 6.1 Preparation 6.2 Serial Debugging