The Cannabis industry, on the other hand, has been present in the human culture for millennia, though it had an abrupt interruption at the beginning of the 20th century when classified as an illegal narcotic due to its psychoactive properties. With the availability of new medical research technologies and the progressive easing of use restrictions, both medicinal and recreational, the spotlight is on cannabis as a substance with multiple beneficial effects for health in general. However, this plant should be used with caution, given the absence of knowledge regarding its effects on our organism. Cannabis is on the rise due to its connection with industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and recently coffee.
Cannabis coffee is a relatively recent topic. Socially speaking, there seems to be a great interest on the part of Cannabis consumers in incorporating the plant or its derivatives in multiple elements of everyday life, as part of meals and even in their morning coffee. However, despite the social interest in quickly adopting this fusion, scientifically, this is a much delicate subject. One of the main components of coffee is caffeine, which has also been cataloged as a psychoactive substance due to the stimulating effect it exerts on the central nervous system. Similarly, cannabinoids, the main chemical components of cannabis, also act on the nervous system, but produce slightly different effects, as both stimulants and depressants, which translates into states of euphoria or relaxation. Thus, the possible effects that the interaction between these two psychoactive substances may have on the organism is the subject of interest for many scientists, due to their presumed action on brain systems as memory and learning.
In this book, we explore the link between cannabis and caffeine and those areas of the nervous system impacted by these substances, and the possible effects that could arise from their interaction in the body. Likewise, we will go through the benefits and risks that this combination could bring. Finally, you will learn some anecdotes from users and the homemade ways of preparing this combination of Cannabis and coffee. Join us to explore the exciting link between the two!