Jithin Samuel
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, for example if you pick out verse from the text, like, I had a wonderful (gun), it was soo precious (gun) for me it was handed over from my ancestor, but one fine day without my knowledge that (gun) worked and everything changed in my life due to one shot, it actually puncture my mom lungs, I lost her. now when you people want to pick up the word without knowing context, it will be like saying the word gun is Muhammad kashmir if we translate, just an example. now let's put MK in the place of gun. I had a wonderful (MK), it was soo precious (MK) for me it was handed over from my ancestor, but one fine day without my knowledge that (MK) worked and everything changed in my life due to one shot, it actually puncture my mom lungs, I lost her. hope so you got my point, don't do cherry pick dear ones, it's quite dangerous for you only..don't insult yourself.
Mikey Kano
What a pile of dung. There is no way that Islam could ever be compared to the Bible or Christianity. Period. Islam has more in common Gnostic Apostate belief systems that try to mirror Christianity. But fails miserably. Islam denies Salvation through Jesus Christ. It denies the Holy Trinity, death and resurrection of our Lord. Also denies that God even has a son. When the teaching was very prevalent in the Old Testament and was Amplified in the New Testament. Muhammad was not a prophet. He was false.
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William Kibonge
I respect your point of view I am a bit disappointed, again quoted verses without reading the whole chapters, without caring of their context 1.Ishmaelites and Israelites (Gen 25 )are not the only descendants of Abraham 2.it was meant brethren Israelites not brethren of Israelites, as Moses was talking and caring only about the Israelites future in their land (midst of Israelites, among Israelites...) 3.it wasn't about being like Moses physically, nor intellectually...but being a prophet that leads people, speaking only God's word 4.Jesus is the son of God yes, you have to know that the son is both a servant of God (as he has done what the father asked him to do),a prophet (as he spoke only what he heard from the father) and a King (as he was a descendant of David through Joseph adoption and because The Father gave him the right to :forgive sin, to sit in the thrones of David for ever, have Victory on all his enemies including death. Much more to say brothers The bible is itself dictionary, if you don't understand keep reading you will understand the context
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