the concept was really good but maybe because it was an action book the fighting part was a bit hard to imagine for me but overall it's a good book!! I hope the next season will come out very soon!!!
Archie Star
9/10 utk buku ni. 9 pun bkn sebab apa. I was expecting the main character ade plot twist, mana instead of dia boleh kuasai pesona melalui simbol, dia akan berjaya kuasai pesona melalui mantera dulu. In front of all the Hobat tu baru gempak. Also BERANI PENULIS BAGI CLIFFHANGER!!
4 people found this review helpful
siapa minat cerita fantasi, buku ni sangat recommended. best jalan cerita menarik. suka cara penulis kembangkan cerita setiap watak. tapi sayang cerita tergantung, harap ada sambungan :)