Ashley Carrillo
This book was the perfect end to the series! I fell in love with Chi Chi a long time ago, and it was so amazing to read his story and his background and also getting to experience him falling in love with a good man. Mitch, like Chi Chi, hasn't had it easy. He's a widower as of two years ago to a woman and has 2 kids ages 5 and 11 to take care of as he figures out his life again. He goes to a gay bar one night to explore his bisexuality side and meets a stunning woman with a beautiful voice. Only it turns out it wasn't a woman at all but Chi Chi in drag. And as it turns out, they're neighbors, and his daughter thinks he's a princess next door. They each have insecurities of being good enough for the other, but given Mitch wanting to protect his kids and Chi Chi never feeling accepted, they just fit together. And they end up overcoming demons and becoming a beautiful family. Loved every word. I'll definitely miss everyone, but at least I can always re read!
Buttons Mom2003
I loved this one - so much feeling! Outside the Lines is the 3rd book in The Boundaries Series by A. R. Barley. Of the three books this one is by far my favorite. Mitch and Chi-Chi’s story is full of so much feeling; I was pulling for these two every step of the way. Mitch is a bisexual widower with two children. When he sees Chi-Chi at the only gay bar in town he’s instantly attracted but runs away because he can’t imagine anyone like Chi-Chi being interested in him. Chi-Chi feels a connection to Mitch when they first meet, too but when he disappears during Chi-Chi’s performance he writes him off as a jerk. The two meet again later at a backyard bar-b-que and it takes a while for Mitch to realize that one of his neighbors sharing the house next door, is the gorgeous person he ran from at Ale Mary’s. This story starts off hot and just keeps getting hotter and hotter. I felt the connection between these two main characters right away and once I started reading this book I didn’t want to stop. All Mitch wants is to be a good father to his son and daughter and to find someone he can love and be with. Chi-Chi has dreams of performing on Broadway but he’s struggling to get there, working at multiple low-paying jobs. I felt so bad for Mitch and the struggles he is going through with his kids and his in-laws. He’s afraid if he does anything “wrong” they will try to take his children from him but he doesn’t share this information. Chi-Chi has ghosts from his past life and also doesn’t share with Mitch. These two seem to have trouble communicating everywhere but in the bedroom. Outside the Lines touched on all of my emotions and I feel like a broken record sometimes when I say (over and over - lol) that that’s my favorite kind of story. You don’t need to have read the first two books in the series to enjoy this one. Characters from the earlier books appear in this one but only in a minor way. I’ve enjoyed reading this series and while book 2 wasn’t my cup of tea, I would certainly be willing to read more M/M stories from Ms. Barley. ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley but this did not influence my opinion or rating of the book.
2 people found this review helpful
Drag queens no thank you why change subject for the 3rd book totally different theme than the first 2 and just because someone is Gay doesn't mean they want to wear woman's clothes most gay guys don't there are more breeders who cross dress than gay guys so write about them pervert FOR SISSY CROSS DRESSING CAMP QUEENS!
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