Deploy a rock-solid data backup and disaster recovery strategy with the in-depth guidance of this authoritative volume. From the exclusive publishers of Oracle Press books, Oracle Database 10g RMAN Backup & Recovery shows you, step by step, how to set up RMAN-ready databases, create reliable backup tapes and discs, and perform accurate Oracle system restores. Find out how to use RMAN from the command line and from Enterprise Manager, generate meaningful lists and reports, and automate administrative tasks using third-party media management tools. Plus, you'll learn to perform incremental backups, Flashback recoveries, and database cloning.
Robert G. Freeman is an Oracle DBA. Among the other books Robert has written are the bestselling titles Oracle Database 10g New Features, Oracle 9i RMAN Backup and Recovery, and Oracle 9i New Features. Robert also wrote the Oracle Press book Portable DBA: Oracle.