Operational Amplifier Circuits provides a single source of information covering the basic principles of operational amplifier circuits. Operational amplifier applies to a very high gain, differential input, direct coupled amplifier whose operating characteristics are determined by external feedback elements. This work contains five chapters. Chapter 1 describes the characteristics and application of an ideal operation amplifier, as well as the operation of inverting and non-inverting amplifiers. Chapter 2 discusses the concept, principles, and application of frequency response, slew rate, and bandwidth. Chapter 3 deals with operational amplifier circuits that generate signals. This chapter specifically tackles the four common circuits, including square, triangular, sawtooth, and sine waves. Chapter 4 explores the classification, characteristics, and mode of operation of power amplifiers and power supplies, while Chapter 5 highlights the selected application of operational amplifiers. This book will prove useful to electronics and design engineers, technicians, and electronics students.