The Sixth World has always been a grim, violent place, where your life can be measured in heartbeats from one minute to the next. And whether you’re an experienced shadowrunner, or someone who’s entered the shadows looking for safety, or to hide—or perhaps start a new life altogether—well, they can be dark, deep, and dangerous, no matter how well-prepared you think you are.
These five stories kick off with a pair of tales about Yuri and Soren, two fate-crossed lovers who meet in the drab, crumbling city of Vladivostok and flee their homeland for the Seattle sprawl, only to find life is nasty and brutish no matter where they go. That’s followed by Mr. Johnson’s worst nightmare—being hung out to die by the very corp he was working for. Now the guy who sent runners into the shadows must become one himself if he wants to get out of Atlanta alive. Finally, join professor and paranormal investigator Thomas McAllister as he investigates a string of supernatural serial killings and uncovers a dark conspiracy that stretches from Denver toDallas, and threatens to engulf the rest of the UCAS if he doesn’t find a way to stop it.
Five stories, each one a cautionary tale about the worst the Sixth World has to offer. So join both battle-scarred veterans and new recruits as they deal with the deadliest of shadows…