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Dr. Eng. Norma B. Crosby has an interdisciplinary background in space physics, engineering, and administration. She has a PhD in Astrophysics and Space Technology (University of Paris 7, France), a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark), and has participated in the International Space University (ISU) Summer Session Programme. For more than 20 years her main research interests have covered the analysis and interpretation of solar flares, solar energetic particle events, statistical analyses of space plasma data, extr
eme space phenomena events, effects of space weather phenomena on technology and human health, and self-organized criticality while working at various Institutes in Europe as well as both ESA/ESTEC and NASA/GSFC. Since 2002 she has worked as a scientist at the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB), Belgium, where her function as co-leader of the Space Weather Group concerns linking basic science with applied science. She has been responsible for several EU and ESA space weather related projects, including the EU FP7 COMESEP Project of which she was Project Coordinator and the ESA SEPEM Project of which she was Project Manager. Additionally, she served as Project Coordinator of the two-year INTAS Network Project, “Key Parameters for Space Weather” (2000-0752), comprised of 18 teams from INTAS and NIS countries. She is Team Leader for BIRA-IASB in the EU H2020 HESPERIA Project and is Coordinator of the ESA Space Situational Awareness Space Radiation Expert Service Centre. She has served as editor/co-editor for several special journal issues in Advances in Geosciences (ADGEO) and Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP), as well as for meeting proceedings (e.g. AIP, ESA, ISU). She frequently contributes as referee in journals such as JASTP, ADGEO, Geophysical Research Letters, COSPAR Advances in Space Research, Surveys of Geophysics, Space Weather: The International Journal of Research and Applications, and Europhysics Letters. Furthermore, she is active in education and public outreach activities; this includes promoting space weather in educational institutions at all levels, as well as raising and maintaining awareness of space weather effects among engineers, managers, and policy makers.