No Marriage of Convenience

· Harper Collins
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From a New York Times bestseller, a woman helps an earl marry off his nieces in a Regency filled with “wit, intrigue and one of the most likeable heroes” (Julia Quinn, New York Times bestselling author of the Bridgerton series).

Mason St. Clair, the new Earl of Ashlin, has inherited a title for which there is no longer a fortune, thanks to his elder brother. Steeped in debt, with three ungainly nieces to marry off, Mason is desperate for relief. Only he doesn’t expect it in the form of Madame Fontaine, a woman of questionable reputation. She arrives on his doorstep with partial payment on a debt owed to the former earl. When Mason demands full payment, she is at a loss. It’s wacky Cousin Felicity who suggests that this woman, whom men cannot resist, can work off the rest of her debt by teaching the three wards how to attract worthy husbands. In a bind, Riley, as the Madame is known, agrees. Once the bargain has been struck, Mason finds that he too is falling under the Madame’s spell, and it’s not long before an additional couple is heading to the altar.

“Inventive, enthralling, with a cast of lively, impulsive and endearing characters, Ms. Boyle’s latest is sure to leave you smiling.” —Stephanie Laurens, New York Times bestselling author

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Elizabeth Boyle has always loved romance and now lives it each and every day by writing adventurous and passionate stories that readers from all around the world have described as “page-turners.” Since her first book was published, she’s seen her romances become New York Times and USA Today bestsellers and has won the RWA RITA® and the Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Awards. She resides in Seattle with her family, her garden, and her always-growing collection of yarn. Readers can visit her at, or follow her own adventures on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. 

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