Compound this with the worst downturn since the great depression, a seemingly jobless recovery and tight lending standards we are the midst of great challenges for the future of our businesses.
In all of this, there is great opportunity for real estate companies. The opportunity exists for companies to move away from an agent centered universe to a consumer centered one and to be of service to the consumer in ways the consumer wants and needs and is willing to pay for. Bottom line we have to get better at what we do.
It is all here the way back to profit. Roll up your sleeves, be willing to relearn things you thought you already knew, change real estate service delivery as you know it and prosper!
Nancy Gardner is President of a real estate management consulting firm. She is a national speaker; management trainer and consultant. Nancy has successfully coached hundreds of real estate owners, general managers, and managers in the practical basics of running strong, competitive and profitable companies throughout the United States and Canada. Her clients range from single office companies to large multi branch operations. These companies include Independents, Franchised, Traditional and 100% models. Nancy works in all aspects of real estate brokerage operations: value based recruiting and retention; planning, coaching, training and implementation; ancillary services and mergers and acquisitions.