Magic mirrors, rampaging Hellspawn, and it’s only Tuesday.
Whether it’s called Halloween, All Hallows’ Eve, or Samhain, for Artemis Schäfer, it’s spelled trouble. It’s a time when the Veil between worlds is at its thinnest, when sometimes things break through from the Otherworld. And sometimes they have a helping hand.
When enchanted mirrors let a legion of creatures through the Veil, Artemis has three challenges. First, find out who sold the mirrors to unsuspecting customers around London. Second, deal with the demons that break through. Third, try not to make a fool of herself when she catches Liam with another girl.
Saving the world? Easy. Figuring out boys? Give her a city full of demons any day. Even Halloween.
Don't miss the first book of this exciting new series, Blaze, available now and book 3, Legacy!
Monique attended the University of Southern California's Film School where she earned a BFA from the Filmic Writing department. She worked in television for several years before joining the family business. She now works full-time as a freelance writer and novelist.
She currently resides in Southern California with her naughty Siamese cat, Monkey. She’s currently working on an adaptation of one of her screenplays, her father's memoirs about his time in the Air Force's Air Rescue Service, as well as more books the world of Out of Time and The Blaze Series.
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