Table of Contents
About Rhinoceroses
What a Rhino Looks Like
How Rhinos Act and Talk
Threats to Rhinoceros
White Rhinoceros
Black Rhinoceros
Indian Rhinoceros
Javan Rhinoceros
Sumatran Rhinoceros
Interesting Facts about the Rhinoceros
Rhinoceros in different cultures
Rhinos are one of the major attractions at most zoos and wildlife preserves.
In Greek, the word rhinoceros means nose horn.
There are species of rhino that live in Asia and Africa; the African rhinos are the biggest.
Many rhinos will let an oxpecker ride on their back, in return the bird will watch for danger and make a loud sounding special alarm, if there is harm.
Rhinoceroses like to live by themselves.
They have really bad eyesight, so if you see when charging into a tree or ant hill, it's most likely because they cannot see very well.