From his miraculous rainbow-filled birth during the fiery conflict of World War II, Kim Jong Il watched as his beloved Korea finally earned its freedom from the cursed Japanese. Mere years later, the wicked US imperialists took their chance at conquering the liberated nation—with devastating results. But that's only the beginning of the Dear Leader's story.
In DEAR READER, Kim Jong Il explains:
*How he can shrink time
*Why he despises the Mona Lisa
*How he recreated the arts in Korea
*Why the Juche idea is the greatest concept ever discovered by man
*How he handled the crippling famine
*Why Kim Jong Un was chosen as successor over his elder brothers
With nothing left uncovered, drawing straight from dozens of books, hundreds of articles and thousands of years of Korean history, DEAR READER is both the definitive account of Kim Jong Il's life and the complete stranger-than-fiction history of the world's most unique country.
MICHAEL MALICE is the author of The Anarchist Handbook, Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il, and The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics, and coauthor of two New York Times best sellers. He is also the subject of the graphic novel Ego & Hubris, written by the late Harvey Pekar of American Splendor fame. He is the host of “YOUR WELCOME” with Michael Malice. Malice lives in Brooklyn for some increasingly unclear reason.